Intimate Plasmolifting, or PRP-injections against female disorgasmia

Author: Dr Renat Akhmerov, Professor of Medicine, PRP Plasmolifting technology developer

While giving a lecture on PRP In 2012, I thought of the number of positive therapeutic properties of a person's own plasma. One, two, three... seven, twelve—I counted my fingers. Overall, I counted 18 properties. More than ten years on, we can confidently state that Plasmolifting methods are used in more than 50 fields of application and directions in medicine, and many of these methods I have personally invented and developed. In this article, I want to analyse an example of the most effective treatment for PRP, inspired by an American colleague. It is sometimes useful to adapt and develop worthwhile inventions of other specialists

So, dear patients, what is the goal of the procedure of intimate PRP Plasmolifting injections? The answer is simple: it is in restoring the natural physiological activity of organs and tissues. Plasma injections vitalize tissues and restore organ functions.

The target tissue in this case is the mucous membrane and adjacent soft tissues, such as muscle and adipose tissue, as well as cavernous bodies (in men).

What is a common reason for the decrease in sexual sensations in women? First, there is an age-related decrease in hormonal activity, sometimes starting at the age of 30. Other causes include microtraumas, infections and painful injuries associated with childbirth. Finally, this decrease is also associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane, its dryness, atrophic changes and involution of the soft tissues of the external genitalia.

The topic of lack of orgasm is intimate, and patients are often embarrassed to talk openly about it. Vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse lead to women refusing to have sex and avoiding discussing this topic altogether. However, modern medical science allows women aged 45 and over to experience the same vivid sensations from sexual contact, as at the age of 20!

What is the protocol for this procedure? The doctor takes up to 10ml of patient’s blood into a specialized Plasma lifting tube and centrifuges it to obtain platelet-rich plasma. The plasma is then collected into a syringe and can be carefully applied. Using microfine needles, the doctor injects plasma into the outer labia, along the border between the skin and mucous membrane. Sometimes doctors add intravaginal plasma baths or a special Plasmolifting cream to the procedure.

The mucosal restoration and hydration occurs very quickly – only after 6-12 hours. The restoration of tactile receptors is individual and can take 2-3 weeks. On some occasions one procedure may be enough but 3-4 procedures are performed on average, as determined by the doctor.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes, from collecting blood to leaving the clinic. It is unobtrusive, simple and almost painless.

Counterindications: prodromal stage of acute respiratory infections, pregnancy, active malignant oncological process.

Please, send us your questions and suggestions, and stay healthy!

Yours sincerely,

Dr Renat Akhmerov, Professor of Medicine